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Archive for August, 2010

Gone Wrong

Howdy Hots and Fits!

How was your weekend? Was because here in the EU its almost over….and only two weeks left of holidays.

Of which I am planning to spend at least one week here:



I should be honest and say that probably cause I have travelled so much in my life I really don’t get the fuss over the French Riviera i.e. Monte Carlo, Nice, St. Tropez, Cannes etc. I think its quite over rated, mainly cause Paris Hilton parties all the time in the VIP Room and cause Heidi Klum takes her clan on a yacht around the coast. All things said, French are lovely and nice and we all just want a resting vacation where we can bum around the beaches and do nothing at all…

Now on to some food/exercise news!

There is a Korean/Japanese food store in the city which is much cheaper than if I were to buy some of the Asian goodies in a normal grocery store. Unfortunately its quite far for my casa but I did go there this week. Amongst other things I got these:

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SEASONED LAVER. This is a really good option for us cause I just don’t know how to much sushi, and cause I don’t like rice. Well I like it a little, but I love seaweed. Need to find a compromise….

So I take some cauliflower , microwave it and then mash it. Oh, and don’t forget to add salt+pepper!

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Other things I/mama made this week (I am not a fan of either, but the familia loves it)

Salade Olivier

I don’t actually have exact amounts but here is the guidline:

  • Boil potatoes (okay if they are with skin, you can peel them off later) and eggs
  • Leave them to cool (I actually put them in the fridge and continuted only the day after…)
  • Drain a can of pickels and cut them into cubes
  • Get the potatoes and the hard boiled eggs, peel them and cut them into small cubes
  • Mix all in a bowl and add mayo, salt and pepper

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Baba Ghanoush Gone Wrong

  • Grill 1 large or 2 medium eggplant
  • Let it cool
  • Take out all the insides and trash the skin (sounds gross sorry)
  • Put in blender and add some tahini, salt, pepper, tons of garlic and lemon juice to the mix
  • Mix until you get a smooth texture

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Dunno why, but something just went wrong with the taste.


Friday was a run, Saturday was a run….I am not getting bored of these (duh). I am trying to use up my time of good weather, cause soon, I am telling you guys, its going to start to be cold and I will be freezing my butt off

Same old, same old:

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Other goodies: Yoga with Weights (seriously, get it now or make me send it to you!), Yoga Meltdown and 30 Days Shred.

Alright, I am off to catch up with this telenovela:



What can I say I am addicted!

See you later!



All About Jillian

Happy Friday Hots and Fits!

Is it just me or does the week FLY by to you, too? I mean, not just this week, but week(s) in general!

I got up today nice and “early” (7:20 as opposed to my usual 5:20 when I am a working chica) and decided to do the Fitnessista bootcamp which was posted by Gina yesterday.

I ran for about 3 (or 4?) consecutive days and I was really looking into doing something different today. I am in an Insanity rut (lasting about 2 months already now) so I thought I would do ChaLEAN ‘s cardio but thought I would rather just do something totally new.

I warmed up with this video:

I must tell you I found it a little bit difficult to follow at times (what can I say my choreography skills aren’t that good) but it definitely did the job.

Proceeded to the workout a la Fitnessista:

– Circuit 1: (With dumbbells)

Right leg in front: Lunge, come up and lateral raise with the dumbbells (15 total)

Plie squat, come up and upward row with the dumbbells- squeeze your legs and booty and you come up, too (15 total)

Left leg in front: Lunge and lateral raise (15 total)

Cardio blast:

Jog 30 seconds

Jumping jacks 30 seconds

High knees 30 seconds (arms straight out)

Burpees 30 seconds

*repeat Circuit 1 and cardio blast one time

– Circuit 2:

21s with dumbbells (21)

Overhead tricep extension (15 total)

Dumbbell deadlift (15 total)

Cardio blast:

Walking lunge and lift (1 minute)

Shuffle back

High knee skips

Shuffle back

*repeat Circuit 2 and cardio blast one time

-Circuit 3:

Push ups (modified or regular- make sure to keep your booty down and body in a straight line)

High plank- bring one knee towards your chest and then kick your leg back and up behind you, release and repeat on the other side (12 total)

Low plank- same thing- one knee in, then kick it back and up, foot down to starting position and switch (12 total)

Cardio blast:

Floor sprints (1 minute)

*repeat Circuit 3 and cardio blast one more time




Since I am on holiday and have too much time during which I do nothing, I figured I will call on the brother (he is 8 years old and loves the fact that I am into working out) and asked if he wanted to do Jillian’s Shred with me. We did Level 1 together a few days ago and he seemed to like it a lot.

So Level 2 it was. The brother (who, of course, does the workout sans weights for anyone who thought I was insane) just said “wow this lady is crazy, sister”.



Its so much fun working out with the little guy…because it really makes the workout fly by, we are actually spending time together and the cardio sessions are always such a laugh!

After visiting IKEA (gosh I hate that store) and running a few errands I came home and plugged in 35 minutes of Jillian’s Yoga Meltdown, Level 1.



I know a lot of people say that this is not even a Yoga workout and so on but I honestly like it and it really challenges me. I break a serious sweat, people!


Alright, I am off now to update the iPhone/iPod (running tomorrow!) and get some ZZZZs!


See you later alligators!

Turn the lights down low and let the DJ go until the speakers blow

What’s upppppp Hots and Fits?

This morning I got up, and stayed in my bed for 30 minutes contemplating what work out I am going to do.

Truth be told, my legs were very sore from this video:

These chicas rock and they are super cute too! Karena and Katrina, I love your videos and the fact that you like Tara Stiles 🙂

I also did this video called Say Goodbye to THARMs

For all these moves (upper and lower body) I did about 15-20 reps for three sets each. I cannot say I feel my arms, but I can feel my booty/thighs.

I also did Jillian Michaels’ 30 Days Shred, Level 1.



And did a fabulous Running Interval Workout, consisting of

  • 10 minute warm up at normal pace
  • 40 seconds walking, 2 minutes running –> did this for 20 minutes
  • 1/2 mile cool down

Let me just tell you that the 40 seconds walking breaks go by very quickly and that Interval Workouts in general seem to fly by. I think it is something about the fact that you are alternating between walking and running… that keeps your mind busy…

Alright I will leave you guys with this AWESOME track!

SOS Playlist

Hey again ya’ll!

I am trying to figure out how to finish off these last few weeks of holidays. I cannot say this summer was normal in any way: I am not used to drastic weather changes. But it was super bueno overall, what with all the travelling and seeing my awesome friends.

I think we might spend the last week here:



And here:


2Monte Carlo

And here (IMHO, St. Tropez has the BEST beaches in the French Riviera i.e. Côte d’Azur …)



This was October last year, after a sun filled day:




Alright, I promised I will post my SOS playlist today…

What’s the story behind the SOS playlist? Well, when right before my marathon, I thought I might need a couple of songs to pump me up before I die am totally burned out.



This really, really, helped me. Obviously, it changes constantly (don’t you get tired of some songs, too?) and I did train those last miles in advance so I was kind of ready for a burn out, which , in the end, did not happen.

Alright, let me know what some of your favourite tracks are at the moment!

La Mission: Paris

Hi Hi Hots and Fits!


Again its been ages since I last blogged…and I am not doing much…no excuses really!


Its pretty much the usual here: unpredicted weather, bumming around, drinking iced green tea at Starbucks



Working out (not too much, not too little):


2RUNNING (see my profile on RunKeeper, although I haven’t used it in the last couple of days)


3Yogadownloads podcasts with Dawnelle, Tara Stiles Podcasts (she is a yogodess) and Jillian’s Yoga Meltdown


4 -25 minute sessions with Jillian (I want her to be my BFF)


5 – ChaLEAN Extreme (only cardio/fat burning sessions, I think I can certainly say her weights technique does not work for me )

And eating tonnnnnnnnnns of these treasures I brought back with me from Paris:


6Lotus Speculoos Spread


7Bonne Maman Chestnut And Vanilla Jam

Alright I am going to fix the casa a little a lotand then I will be back with an exercise post and an SOS playlist.

See you soon!