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Archive for September 18, 2010

Booty Burn!

Hi Hots and Fits!

I had this post scheduled to appear today since it is Yom Kippur and I am fasting. And not drinking. For 25 hours.

During the last 6 hours it pretty much feels like THIS:

Alright, getting on with the post, I wanted to share TWO fabulous workouts I did on Thursday and Friday which I know I will feel the next day!  (Thank God for Yom Kippur and resting!)



I wanted plain, old, good cardio while watching Life Unexpected. I honestly ate like a piglet the night before so I had to kick things back to normal.

  • 30 minutes on the arc trainer (2 minutes warm up, then alternating 5 minutes forward 5 minutes backwards, Resistance 5, 2 minute cool down)
  • 15 minutes on the sweatmaster, alternating every two minutes between resistances 4-6

Strength – Stability Ball ABS

You HAVE to try this workout. You will feel it the next day! Just grab an exercise ball and go!

I did 3 sets of each exercise, little rest between sets:

  • Roll ins (15 per set) – you can make it harder by doing piques
  • Crunches (25 per set) – you can make it harder by holding a weight across your chest
  • Oblique crunches (12 per set + per side)
  • Single leg crunch – these are KICKASS and I think my left side is stronger than the right (???) – (10 per set, per leg)
  • Plank (2 x 1 minute)


Today was lower body day and I was contemplating between just doing P90X at home, ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit which focuses on lower body or just something else. Instead I mixed and matched lifting lighter weights, higher reps – I am just messing around.


I started with an awesome treadmill workout from Fitness Magazine called The 20-Minute, Glute-Sculpting Treadmill Routine:

Strength – Lower Body

As I mentioned before – lower weights, higher reps 😀

  • Deadlift– 5 kg dumbbell in each hand, 3 reps of 15
  • Squat with weights – 5 kg dumbbell in each hand, 3 reps of 15
  • Skaters/Bowlers lunge – 3 kg dumbbell in each hand, 3 reps of 15
  • Reverse lunge with lateral raise – 2 kg dumbbell in each hand, 1 set of 12 per leg, 1 set of 5 per leg
  • Reverse lunge with frontal raise – 2 kg dumbbell in each hand, 1 set of 12 per leg, 1 set of 5 per leg

On the Stability Ball:

  • Pulsing hip lifts – pulse hips up and down for 15 seconds, 3 times
  • Hip Extensions on ball – 3 reps of 15

Let me get back to ya’ll Sunday and tell you how it felt!! I can already feel the burnnnn!

Peace out!